Laser Christmas Light

So you are probably wondering why I am writing about a Laser Christmas Light mid January.  Well I received this Laser Light a few days after Christmas, which was a disappointment however that didn’t last too long after I checked it out.  This laser light has 3 different color options, red, green or red&green combined.  This means that you can use this laser light at different times of the year which I think is a fantastic idea.

This light is so easy to set up, just stake it in the ground, plug it in and use the remote to control the light including a timer to have it automatically turn off.

So I think it would be a great idea to use the all red light show for Valentine’s Day, and the green one for St. Patrick’s Day and perhaps even Halloween.  Normally I don’t put up lights on those days but since it is so easy to set up I will to make things a little more festive looking.  It will just make these minor holidays seem a little more important and I for one think that is a great idea.

I also like the idea of using things like this more than once per year.  We spend so much on decorating during the holidays and once over, we pack everything up and don’t even think about it for another year and that is such a shame.  So when looking for laser lighting, consider this one that allows you the option of separating the colors so you can use them throughout the year.

This light is available at both and

Paper Lanterns

Bring on the party!

Let’s face it, we aren’t all Martha Stewart clones and we are often so rushed in our everyday lives that it is hard to pull off a festive look with what little time and money we have to put towards it.  Well let me tell you, Paper Lanterns are a great solution!  These things are available in a huge selection of colors and several sizes, assemble in seconds, fold flat for storage and can be arranged in so many ways that your decorating will never be boring.  Use them for elegant dinners by the pool, use them in place of balloons at children;s birthday parties, sit them on dessert tables, string them with ribbons or put lights inside them to make them glow.  If you are having a children’s party, let the kids paint them using water paint and then display their artistry for years to come.

These lanterns are also very inexpensive and since they are reusable, they make perfect sense.  That also means they are environmentally friendly because you aren’t putting balloons into landfills which don’t decompose.

So grab some lanterns and get ready to add a festive touch to any event!

You can purchase these Paper Lanterns on and

Watch my video review


A sample of this product was provided by the manufacturer.